No, goat’s milk is not lactose-free. Just like the milk you get from, for example, cows, sheep, and buffalo, it naturally contains the milk sugar known as lactose. So, also products made from goat’s milk, such as cheese, yoghurt, cream, and ice cream, contain varying levels of lactose depending on the fermentation and ageing process.
However, it is possible to find delicious lactose-free goat’s milk with the same distinctly sweet, creamy, and earthy flavour as the regular version.
Lactose content in goat’s milk
Now, let us get into detail about the lactose content in goat’s milk. Because while it does contain lactose, it contains less than, for example, whole milk. On average, goat’s milk contains about 4.1 grams of lactose per 100 grams, which is quite similar to, for example, sheep milk and buttermilk. And you can, of course, also find lactose-free sheep’s milk and lactose-free buttermilk.
The lactose content in goat’s milk varies depending on factors such as the breed of goat, as some produce milk with lower lactose than others, the animal's specific diet, and at what stage of lactation it is in (more lactose early on, less later).
How to make it without lactose
The process of making lactose-free goat’s milk is an enzymatic treatment. It simply means that an enzyme called lactase is added to the fresh goat’s milk. The enzyme then breaks down lactose into simpler sugars: glucose and galactose.
At Arla, for other types of lactose-free milk drinks, we also use filtration after adding lactase, although we do not produce goat’s milk.
Lactose in goat’s milk vs cow milk
If you are wondering how lactose-free goat’s milk stacks up against regular cow milk, it has a bit less lactose. As stated, the former typically contains around 4.1 grams of lactose per 100 grams, while cow milk contains 4.7-5 grams per 100 grams.
If you are considering trying out lactose-free goat’s milk, you may be interested to know a bit more about the differences in taste and texture between the lactose-free and the regular version.
Regular goat’s milk is white and has a creamy and slightly sweet flavour, with a hint of tanginess. In contrast, lactose-free goat’s milk tastes a little sweeter and creamier, because of its slightly higher fat content.
These differences in taste and texture are not only found when comparing regular and lactose-free goat’s milk but also when comparing lactose-free goat’s milk and lactose-free cow milk. The flavour and consistency of lactose-free goat’s milk are sweeter and creamier than lactose-free cow milk.
At Arla, we do not make goat’s milk, but we have a wide range of other types of milk and plant-based drinks.
If you want to know more about it, you can read about lactose-free milk here or, if you are in the mood to learn more about other lactose-free options, you can check out other lactose-free foods.