Protein contributes to the maintenance of and growth in muscle mass. This process does not just occur immediately after a workout, but rather, it is an ongoing process that extends into your rest days, where the small tears in your muscles, caused by exercise, are repaired. Drinking a protein shake between meals on rest days can be a convenient way to get the needed proteins.
Should you drink protein shakes on non-workout days?
Non-workout days are as crucial to your workout routine as the days you sweat it out in the gym or exercise outside. These are the days when your body is diligently working to repair and strengthen your muscles.
Whether you work out or not, a certain protein intake is still recommended to obtain a balanced diet. If you like protein shakes, you can easily choose that as a way of getting proteins. However, it is good to be mindful of the slightly lower energy expenditure on rest days, and adjust your intake accordingly.
Protein shakes and meal replacement shakes are preferred by many for their convenience and flavour options. A protein shake is convenient because it does not require a lot of preparation, and you can bring it wherever you want so you always have it at hand. You can choose from an ever-growing range of flavours, whether you opt for a pre-made protein shake or mix it yourself from powder and liquid.
Although protein shakes are popular, especially in the world of exercise, you can also choose other sources to get your daily protein. For example, there is a fairly high amount of protein in eggs, so a breakfast with scrambled eggs or an omelette for lunch can be as good a choice as a protein shake in terms of getting protein. Check our overview of protein in common foods for more inspiration.
Is there a best time to drink protein shake on a rest day?
You can drink a protein shake at whatever time of the day that suits you the best. For example, if you often find yourself hungry between meals, a protein shake can be a great way to satiate your appetite. If you cannot make it for, for example, lunch, a protein shake can be a quick alternative. Just remember that protein shakes should be seen as a supplement and not replace actual meals in a balanced diet.
If you want to know more about protein shakes, you can dig into our articles on protein shake before or after a workout and how much protein is in a protein shake?
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