Filo pastry triangles

Filo pastry triangles

30 min
Discover the light, crisp layers of our filo pastry triangles with a sweet and savoury filling. This recipe features a blend of soft dates and tangy white cheese, enhanced by the crunch of roasted almonds and the freshness of orange zest; all encased in buttery filo. Ideal for impressing guests at a dinner party or enjoying as a sumptuous snack, these pastry triangles offer delightful texture and lingering flavour.


  • Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
  • Mix dates, white cheese, nuts, rosemary, and orange zest in a food processor and pulse until the mixture is sticky.
  • Cut each of the filo sheets into five long pieces. Brush them with butter or oil and place a teaspoon of the filling in the bottom corner.
  • Fold the corner up to the other side, forming a triangle. Keep folding from side to side until you have a little firm triangle covered in several layers of filo pastry.
  • Place all triangles on a lined baking sheet and brush with butter or oil. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes until golden and crispy.

FAQ: Questions about filo pastry triangles

Our filo pastry triangles are a versatile delight for any event. Whether you are an experienced baker or just discovering the pleasures of filo, you may have questions about creating these pastries. We have answered some of the most common ones below to help you make perfect pastries every time.

How to fold filo pastry triangles?
Start by placing a small teaspoon of your filling near the bottom corner of each filo strip. It is important not to overfill to prevent the pastry from bursting during baking. To form the triangles, take the corner with the filling and fold it to align with the opposite edge, creating a triangle shape. Make sure the fold is firm but not too tight to avoid tearing the pastry. Continue this process by flipping the triangle alternately to the left and right along the strip, maintaining the triangular shape throughout. This method of folding is akin to folding a flag, where each fold secures the filling inside and ensures even layers of pastry.
How do I keep filo pastry from becoming dry?
To prevent filo pastry from drying out, work quickly and cover any sheets you are not using with a damp kitchen towel. This keeps the pastry flexible and stops it from turning brittle, especially in warm or dry areas. If you are making a lot of filo pastry triangles, keep the ones you have already made under a damp cloth to stay moist.
Can I prepare filo pastry triangles ahead of time?
Yes, you can make filo pastry triangles in advance. Assemble them and keep them unbaked in the fridge for up to a day. If you want to store them longer, freeze them on a baking sheet, then put them in a freezer bag. Bake from frozen when needed, allowing extra time to ensure they bake to a golden brown.


Soft, pitted dates
100 g
100 g
Almonds, lightly roasted
25 g
Rosemary sprigs
Organic orange, zest
Large filo pastry sheets
Melted butter or olive oil
50 - 100 g

Tips: Making the most delicious filo pastry triangles

Unlock the art of perfect filo pastry triangles with our tips and prepare to impress your guests with exquisite treats.

Uniform filling

To ensure your filo pastry triangles have a consistent flavour and look, measure the filling carefully with a teaspoon for each one. This precise amount helps them cook evenly and stops the pastry from splitting in the oven.

Sealing the edges

Seal your filo pastry triangles well to ensure they keep their shape and the filling stays inside during baking. Have a small bowl of water, melted butter, or oil ready as you work. Once you fold the pastry into a triangle, wet your fingertips and press along the edges to seal. Brush any leftover pastry at the end of the strip with water to tuck and seal the triangle.

Golden and crispy finish

Brush each filo pastry sheet with melted butter or olive oil for a golden sheen and a crisp texture. When adding the filling, brush a little melted butter around it to seal in the flavours and ensure a crispy finish. Before baking, give the triangles a final brush of butter or oil for an even golden colour and a crisp bite.

Delicious filo pastry triangles

Try these exquisite filo pastry triangles that combine the delicate crunch of filo with a heart-warming filling. Making filo pastry triangles involves fun and artistic folding that even beginners can enjoy. Ready in just 30 minutes, these pastries are not only tasty but also incredibly convenient. Whether you are planning a party or just looking for a delicious new recipe to try out, these pastries offer a wonderful flavour that leaves everyone craving for more.

Crispy and flaky texture

The charm of filo pastry triangles is their irresistible, crispy, and flaky texture. Filo dough is known for its paper-thin layers and bakes into a wonderfully textured, light, and airy surface. As the triangles bake, the edges turn to a delightful golden brown, offering a satisfying crunch with every bite. The contrast between the rich filling and the brittle, delicate pastry makes filo triangles a favourite at any meal or as a standalone snack.

Rich filling white cheese, dates, almonds, rosemary, and a hint of orange

Inside the golden layers of pastry is a rich, flavourful filling. The natural sweetness of dates combines perfectly with the tang of white cheese, and roasted almonds add a satisfying crunch. To add depth to the filling, fresh rosemary lends a woody, aromatic note, while orange zest infuses a subtle citrusy brightness that elevates the overall flavour.

Serve as a simple appetiser or tasty afternoon snack

These filo pastry triangles are ideal for various occasions, whether as a refined appetiser, a snack, or a sweet end to a meal. The neat triangles are easy to handle and look great on a party platter. Additionally, they pair wonderfully with various dips and sauces, from a tangy yoghurt sauce to a sweet and spicy chutney. Whether served hot from the oven or at room temperature, our filo pastry triangles are sure to impress with their crisp texture, rich filling, and beautiful presentation.

If you need more snacks or appetisers, try our easy paneer skewers, egg wraps with ham and avocado, and avocado hummus with white cheese.

Experiment with the filling

Our filo pastry triangles encourage you to get creative with the filling. For savoury options, you can mix different cheeses, such as mozzarella, with spinach, minced meats, or various vegetables and herbs. If you prefer sweet fillings, ripe apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon or nuts drizzled with honey make for a delicious treat. These ingredients turn the filo triangles into a delightful dessert or sweet snack. Also, consider swapping dates for dried figs or apricots for a different kind of sweetness, or use other types of nuts, for example, walnuts or pistachios, for a change in texture.