No-bake date balls with skyr and berries
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  • No-bake date balls with skyr and berries

No-bake date balls with skyr and berries

25 min
Discover the joy of our date balls recipe, a delicious blend of sweet dates, crunchy almonds, and rich cocoa. These little delights are rolled in a selection of coatings for a variety of flavours and textures. Served with creamy vanilla skyr and fresh berries, each bite is a flavour adventure. Topped with a hint of sorrel, these date balls turn a simple treat into an elegant delight that's sure to impress and satisfy any craving.


  • Blend the dates, almonds, and cocoa for about 1 minute until smooth. Form into small balls and roll them in pistachio, coconut, or crushed freeze-dried raspberries.
  • Put vanilla skyr in the bottom of 4 glasses. Spread berries and muesli on top and layer on the date balls. Garnish with sorrel and serve.

Questions about no-bake date balls with skyr and berries

Enjoy the simplicity and taste of our recipe with this guide to your top questions. Need tips on making date balls without a blender, or trying different ingredients? Our answers below will help you make this snack even better. Find out how to enhance your date ball experience.

Can I make date balls without a blender?
Yes, you can. While a blender or food processor will make the process easier, if you don’t have one available you can also finely chop the dates and almonds. Then hand mix and mash the ingredients together until they form a texture smooth enough to stick together like dough. The texture will likely be more chunky and less smooth, but equally delicious.
Can I experiment with the ingredients in this recipe?
Yes, these date balls can be altered or customised with a variety of ingredients to suit your tastes. Try adding an aromatic twist by mixing in a teaspoon of spice such as cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, or cloves. If you have a sweet tooth, chocolate chips will give a cookie dough flavour, or use more cocoa powder for a deeper chocolate taste. You can also try different flavours of skyr, such as raspberry, and top with white chocolate chunks.
What nuts work well in date balls?
A variety of nuts can be used in this recipe – choose from almonds, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, or cashews. Pick your favourite or mix them for varied flavours and textures. If you’re looking for a nut-free option, try toasted pumpkin or sunflower seeds, or crushed rye bread crisps, which can offer a similar crunchy texture without the nuts.


Vanilla Arla® Skyr
450 ml
Pitted dates
200 g
60 g
Cocoa powder
2 tbsp
Green pistachios, unsalted and finely chopped
2 tbsp
Desiccated coconut
3 tbsp
Freeze-dried raspberries, crushed
1 tbsp
25 g
25 g
50 g

Enhance the flavour with a symphony of coatings

Bring your date balls to life and give them your own unique touch with coatings that add exciting flavours and visual appeal. Try toasting the coconut for a deeper colour and flavour, or experiment with other coatings like matcha powder, freeze dried strawberry or crushed peanuts. Cocoa powder, a white chocolate drizzle or grated dark chocolate can provide an indulgent truffle-like finish, while liquorice powder could suit a more sophisticated palette.

For a crunchy take, try crushed banana cookies or oat cookies, blending them in a food processor if you prefer a smoother coating. Crumbled granola bars or sweet potato brownies are also great options, adding a delightful depth of new flavours.

Use olive oil to reduce stickiness

If your date ball mixture sticks to your hands when you try to form the balls, try rubbing your hands with a little olive oil. This helps roll the balls smoothly and achieve a uniform shape. Not only does it make the process easier, but your date balls will also look neater and more inviting.

Gradually add hot water for the perfect consistency

If your date and nut mixture is too dry, add hot water one to two tablespoons at a time, pulsing in the blender or food processor after each addition. Keep doing this until the mixture is just right for shaping into balls. This step-by-step approach helps you avoid a mixture that's too soft, giving your date balls the best texture for shaping and eating.

How do you blend dates without water?

To blend dates smoothly without water, start with fresh, soft Medjool dates. If the blend is still too dry, add a small amount of hot water, about one to two tablespoons, and process until it forms a sticky dough.

Keeping date balls fresh for all-day snacking

To keep your date balls at their freshest and tastiest, seal them in an airtight container. You can keep them in the fridge for up to two weeks. If you need to store them for longer, they can be kept frozen for up to three months (scroll down for freezing tips).

Can I add protein powder to the date balls recipe?

Definitely! Simply use less almonds than the recipe suggests – switch from 60 g to 30 g – and mix in 2 tablespoons of protein powder. This keeps the flavours and textures in harmony, enhancing the delicious taste and decadent fudginess of the date balls.

Is this recipe suitable for freezing?

Yes, you can keep your homemade date balls tasting great for up to three months by freezing them! Start by spacing them out on a tray and freeze until firm, usually a few hours. Then, move them to a freezer-safe container or bag to avoid freezer burn and keep them fresh. When you're ready for a snack, thaw the date balls in the refrigerator overnight, or at room temperature for a few hours.

What are some serving suggestions for date balls?

Savour date balls as a quick snack on their own or pair them with a simple bowl of skyr and fresh fruits like berries, slices of kiwi, mango, or pineapple. For a cool twist, use the data balls – either whole or quartered – as a nice cream topping, their flavours pair especially well with our banana-, mango- or berry nice cream recipes.

They can also be presented as part of a snack platter alongside nuts, cheese, and dried fruits. Add a few fruit and nut bars, matcha cookies and granola muffins for variety.

Selecting quality ingredients

Choosing the right ingredients is vital for making outstanding date balls. Premium Medjool dates are a must for their rich sweetness and softness, forming the ideal base. Fresh almonds are just as important for their crispiness and depth, enhancing the dates' natural sweetness.

Cocoa powder deepens the chocolate flavour without making the balls too sweet or moist. It's crucial to use unsweetened, sifted cocoa powder to avoid bitterness and lumps in your mix.

The coatings add both beauty and taste to the date balls. Bright green pistachios bring a satisfying crunch and colour. Using unsalted pistachios lets you control the overall sweetness. Coconut flour has a sweet, nutty taste and a light texture that pairs well with the rich dates and cocoa. Intensely tart freeze-dried raspberries offer a sharp contrast to the dates' sweetness, rounding out the flavour profile.

High-quality ingredients, from the dates to the raspberries, make sure our date balls are not just enjoyable to make but also delightful to eat. Each bite showcases the perfect blend of flavours and textures from these carefully chosen ingredients.