Rocket avocado salad

Rocket avocado salad

15 min
Experience the fresh flavours, vivid textures, and lush greens of our rocket avocado salad. This dish combines the peppery bite of rocket leaves, the creamy richness of avocado, and the tangy zest of white cheese, celebrating the wonderful simplicity of basic ingredients. A squeeze of zesty lime juice enlivens each bite, making this salad perfect for a light lunch or a stylish side dish.


  • Wash and drain the rocket salad leaves before placing them in a bowl.
  • Cut avocados in half, remove the pit, peel and cut into slices.
  • Slice spring onions diagonally and add them to the bowl along with the avocados.
  • Roast hazelnuts in the oven for approximately 15 minutes at 160 °C. Allow them to cool down, and then remove the skins.
  • Cut the courgette into very thin julienne strips and add them to the salad bowl along with the hazelnuts and white cheese cubes with sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Drizzle some lime juice over everything and toss the salad. Season with black pepper.

FAQ: Questions about rocket avocado salad

Our rocket avocado salad offers a delightful mix of fresh, peppery flavours and creamy textures. If you want to know more about the preparation of this salad, dive right into our FAQ section below.

Can I prepare the rocket avocado salad in advance?
Yes, you can get a head start on the rocket avocado salad. Begin by washing and draining the rocket leaves. Next, roast the hazelnuts in advance. You can also prepare the spring onions and courgette, and then store them in the refrigerator. It is best to assemble the salad just before serving to maintain the freshest flavours and textures. This also means you should add the avocado slices last right before serving to ensure they remain vibrant and do not turn brown.
How can I keep the avocado from browning in the salad?
To prevent your avocado from browning in the rocket avocado salad, lightly coat the slices with lime or lemon juice as soon as you cut them. The citrus juice contains citric acid, which acts as a natural antioxidant and slows down the oxidation process, which leads to browning.


200 g
Rocket salad leaves
150 g
Spring onions
50 g
Lime fruit
Black pepper

Tips: Get the tastiest rocket avocado salad

This is probably one of the easiest salads you will ever come across. To ensure that you get the basics right and the rocket avocado salad turns out tasty every time, we have copied some tips to help you along the way.

Choose ripe avocados

To make an impressive rocket avocado salad, select avocados at their ripest. The ideal avocado should feel slightly soft when gently pressed, indicating that it is creamy and ready to enrich the texture and taste of your salad. Look for ones with dark green to black skin. Be sure to avoid avocados with visible dents or hollow areas, as these may be signs of bruising.

Julienning courgettes

To make your rocket avocado salad stand out, julienne your courgettes into thin, consistent strips. Using a mandoline slicer will give you the quickest and most uniform slices, ensuring each piece is perfectly even, which enhances the overall presentation and texture of the salad. If you do not have one, a sharp chef's knife can also do the job well. Simply slice the courgette lengthwise, then cut each slab into thin matchstick pieces, aiming for uniformity in size.

Try our crispy rocket and avocado salad with a citrus note

The allure of this rocket and avocado salad stems from its delightful blend of zesty and creamy elements. Fresh, crisp rocket pairs beautifully with the buttery richness of avocado. The addition of zesty lime juice not only enhances the overall flavour but also helps maintain the vibrant green colour of the avocado. This salad is both quick and easy to prepare, requiring just 15 minutes in the kitchen to assemble a dish that is perfect for a light lunch or a refreshing dinner.

You will find a variety of salads in our recipe collections. For more ideas, have a look at our sautéed kale and potatoes, summer salad with quinoa, juicy strawberry watermelon salad, or a simple Greek pasta salad.

With courgette, spring onions, and white cheese

Enrich your salad with creamy white cheese cubes combined with sun-dried tomatoes, adding a rich tanginess that pairs beautifully with the crisp courgette and creamy avocado. We have julienned the courgette to ensure a stunning presentation while maintaining its crisp texture. Spring onions are added for a sharp, slightly sweet contrast, creating a well-rounded taste and visually striking salad.

Toasted hazelnuts for added crunch

Toasting hazelnuts enhances their nutty flavour and brings out smoky undertones, making them a perfect addition to a rocket avocado salad. By adding these roasted nuts, you introduce a delightful crunch that contrasts beautifully with the creamy texture of avocado and the softness of white cheese cubes.

Enjoy it as a light lunch or stylish side dish

Whether you are in need of a quick lunch during a work-from-home day or you are planning a deluxe weekend meal, our rocket avocado salad is an excellent choice. This recipe celebrates simple, quality ingredients and comes together in just about 15 minutes. It is not only easy to prepare but also versatile – perfect as a light standalone meal or as a stylish side dish or starter for a large family dinner. Whip up a quick portion and enjoy the fresh, vibrant flavours any day of the week.

Experiment with the recipe

You can easily adapt this recipe to suit your taste or the ingredients you have available. If rocket salad is not on hand, opt for baby spinach. Its soft leaves and mild flavour make it a gentle alternative, blending seamlessly with other ingredients, though it is less crisp than a rocket. For those who like the distinctive peppery taste, watercress is an excellent substitute. It not only mimics the zesty flavour of the rocket but also adds a sophisticated touch with its small leaves and stems.

The hazelnuts can also be substituted for almonds, walnuts, or even pine nuts. Almonds will offer a milder, sweet nuttiness and a crunchy texture. For a hint of bitterness, toasted walnuts are perfect. Pine nuts, with their buttery and subtly sweet flavour, provide a rich, delicate crunch that enhances the salad wonderfully.