What to do with stale bread

What to do with stale bread

Many people see stale bread as a hindrance, but we see it as an opportunity—an opportunity to create, an opportunity to cook. Stale bread can often bring the mood down because nobody likes a dull, dry slice, but before you throw it out, let us give you a few tips on reviving and using stale bread in your cooking. We also provide examples of recipes using stale bread.

How to freshen stale bread

Breathe a second wind into stale bread with these sure-fire cooking methods. While eating leftover bread might not be the most delicious experience, you can employ several easy tricks to freshen it up.

Try toasting leftover bread on the pan. Toasts and sandwiches made on the pan get a crispy exterior and can be filled with a wide range of flavourful ingredients. Toast it in a generous amount of butter or oil to reach a satisfying crunch, a golden-brown colour, and a rich flavour.

Another popular method of cooking stale bread is to throw it in the oven. Turn stale bread into, for example, crispy croutons or wonderful bruschetta. When cooking in the oven, the bread gets nice and toasty.

Cooking with stale bread is a great way to add a crispy element to a dish, as the bread soaks up oil and juices incredibly well, making it nice and crunchy. Whichever way you want to revive your bread, you are in for toasted, crispy goodness. Keep reading to get more inspiration.

Our most popular leftover bread recipes

Stale and leftover bread can be incorporated into many different recipes. We have made a list of our most popular recipes using leftover bread for you to dive into. They include ideas for lunch, dinner, dessert, appetisers, and snacks, and they can easily be altered to suit your preferences.


Our most popular leftover bread recipes

The best recipes with croutons

Crunchy croutons are easy to make and fit on almost any salad or soup. Check our best recipes with croutons to get inspiration for making homemade ones and using them in your everyday cooking.

Try our recipe for simple homemade croutons and turn any salad or soup into something extra delicious. Golden and crispy, the bite-sized delights bring a great crispiness. The same goes for rye bread chips. While they tend to have a more rustic look and hearty flavour, they are still an excellent option for soups and salads of your choice.

You can use your homemade croutons to top off a delicate cheese soup. The creamy soup with melted cheese will have every spoonful bursting with flavour and texture when you bite into the butter-toasted croutons.

Salads are and have always been perfect pairings for croutons, so try our quinoa salad with chicken and croutons or a green salad with salad cheese and croutons.

The best recipes with croutons

Top 3 recipes with breadcrumbs

Almost any kind of day-old bread can be used for breadcrumbs. They date back centuries and have elevated a lot of dishes. In our top 3 recipes with breadcrumbs we obviously present three recipes with breadcrumbs, but we also go through the most common ways of including breadcrumbs in your cooking. They can give oven dishes a crunchy coating, as we do in this recipe for cauliflower gratin, and add moisture and texture to, for example, meatballs and these bread dumplings.

Top 3 recipes with breadcrumbs

Top 5 bruschetta recipes

Bruschetta is a traditional Italian dish known for its versatility and great flavours. They are made on a bed of bread filled with toppings of all kinds. The most popular bruschetta is the classic bruschetta that uses its simple flavours to its advantage. The golden-brown bread soaks up the juices from tomatoes, while basil and garlic add flavour and aroma. To help you find your way around the bruschetta, we have listed our top 5 bruschetta recipes.

Top 5 bruschetta recipes

Top 7 toast recipes

There is something very appealing about a dish so simple yet so tasty. Therefore, we have made a list of the top 7 toast recipes. Not only is toast easy to make and incredibly delicious, but it is also a great way to use stale bread. Put your loaves to good use by slicing them up and transforming them into any toast your heart desires.

Try a mushroom toast or a pizza toast for savoury flavours, or experiment with something as delicious as a banana toast with nut butter. As a little bonus, we also go through five of the most popular sandwich recipes using stale bread.

Top 7 toast recipes

How to store bread

Storing bread is equally important as cooking it because if you cannot keep it properly, it might spoil before you get to dazzle friends and family in the kitchen. Check our article on how to store bread to find out which types to keep in the fridge and which to keep at room temperature. We also go through the different types of wrapping and storing options, such as paper bags, airtight containers, and bread boxes.

How to store bread